Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse DS.SWH - Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd, shipbuildersDS.SWH - Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd, shipbuilders
Expand 1 - Executive1 - Executive
Expand 2 - Administration2 - Administration
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Collapse 4 - Operations4 - Operations
Expand 1 - Estimates and tenders1 - Estimates and tenders
Expand 2 - Particulars records2 - Particulars records
Expand 3 - Costs3 - Costs
Expand 4 - Launch and trials records4 - Launch and trials records
Collapse 5 - Ship files5 - Ship files
Expand 1 - Ship files: Wigham Richardson1 - Ship files: Wigham Richardson
Expand 2 - Contract files: CS Swan & Hunter2 - Contract files: CS Swan & Hunter
Expand 3 - Ship files: Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson3 - Ship files: Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson
Expand 4 - Ship files: Swan Hunter Group4 - Ship files: Swan Hunter Group
Collapse 5 - Ship files: other yards5 - Ship files: other yards
Expand 6 - Contract files: repairs and conversions6 - Contract files: repairs and conversions
Expand 6 - Technical office6 - Technical office
Expand 7 - Admiralty office7 - Admiralty office
Expand 8 - Operations: miscellaneous8 - Operations: miscellaneous
Expand PH - Contract photographsPH - Contract photographs
Expand PL - Ship plansPL - Ship plans
Expand 5 - Public relations and marketing5 - Public relations and marketing
Expand 6 - Community and Social6 - Community and Social
Expand 7 - Personal7 - Personal