Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse DS.SWH - Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd, shipbuildersDS.SWH - Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd, shipbuilders
Expand 1 - Executive1 - Executive
Expand 2 - Administration2 - Administration
Expand 3 - Finance3 - Finance
Collapse 4 - Operations4 - Operations
Expand 1 - Estimates and tenders1 - Estimates and tenders
Expand 2 - Particulars records2 - Particulars records
Expand 3 - Costs3 - Costs
Expand 4 - Launch and trials records4 - Launch and trials records
Collapse 5 - Ship files5 - Ship files
Expand 1 - Ship files: Wigham Richardson1 - Ship files: Wigham Richardson
Expand 2 - Contract files: CS Swan & Hunter2 - Contract files: CS Swan & Hunter
Expand 3 - Ship files: Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson3 - Ship files: Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson
Collapse 4 - Ship files: Swan Hunter Group4 - Ship files: Swan Hunter Group
Expand 3 - Yard no. 3, Esso Northumbria3 - Yard no. 3, Esso Northumbria
4 - Yard no. 4, Esso Hibernia
Expand 5 - Yard no. 5, Texaco Great Britain5 - Yard no. 5, Texaco Great Britain
Expand 6 - Yard no. 6, Green Rover6 - Yard no. 6, Green Rover
Expand 25 - Yard no. 25, Furness Bridge25 - Yard no. 25, Furness Bridge
26 - Yard no. 26, Tyne Bridge
Expand 27 - Yard no. 27, English Bridge27 - Yard no. 27, English Bridge
Expand 29 - Yard no. 29, London Lion29 - Yard no. 29, London Lion
Expand 31 - Yard no. 31, Sir John Hunter31 - Yard no. 31, Sir John Hunter
Expand 32 - Yard no. 32, Nigaristan32 - Yard no. 32, Nigaristan
Expand 34 - Yard no. 34, Lincolnshire34 - Yard no. 34, Lincolnshire
Expand 35 - Yard no. 35, Stolt Lion35 - Yard no. 35, Stolt Lion
Expand 36 - Yard no. 36, Chemical Explorer36 - Yard no. 36, Chemical Explorer
Expand 37 - Yard no. 37, Sheaf Field37 - Yard no. 37, Sheaf Field
Expand 38 - Yard no. 38, Chemical Venturer38 - Yard no. 38, Chemical Venturer
Expand 39 - Yard no. 39, Vistafjord39 - Yard no. 39, Vistafjord
Expand 40 - Yard no. 40, Remuera40 - Yard no. 40, Remuera
Expand 44 - Yard no. 44, Zaida44 - Yard no. 44, Zaida
Expand 46 - Yard no. 46, Joseph R Smallwood46 - Yard no. 46, Joseph R Smallwood
Expand 49 - Yard no. 49, Corabank49 - Yard no. 49, Corabank
Expand 50 - Yard no. 50, Meadowbank50 - Yard no. 50, Meadowbank
Expand 51 - Yard no. 51, Moraybank51 - Yard no. 51, Moraybank
Expand 52 - Yard no. 52, Forthbank52 - Yard no. 52, Forthbank
Expand 53 - Yard no. 53, Clydebank53 - Yard no. 53, Clydebank
Expand 54 - Yard no. 54, Ivybank54 - Yard no. 54, Ivybank
Expand 55 - Yard no. 55, Sir Alexander Glen55 - Yard no. 55, Sir Alexander Glen
Expand 56 - Yard no. 56, Alnwick Castle56 - Yard no. 56, Alnwick Castle
Expand 57 - Yard no. 57, Liverpool Bridge57 - Yard no. 57, Liverpool Bridge
Expand 58 - Yard no. 58, Windsor Lion58 - Yard no. 58, Windsor Lion
Expand 59 - Yard no. 59, RFA Gold Rover59 - Yard no. 59, RFA Gold Rover
60 - Yard no. 60, RFA Black Rover
Expand 63 - Yard no. 63, Opportunity63 - Yard no. 63, Opportunity
Expand 64 - Yard no. 64, Everett F Wells64 - Yard no. 64, Everett F Wells
Expand 65 - Yard no. 65, Yorkshire65 - Yard no. 65, Yorkshire
Expand 66 - Yard no. 66, Geroi Sevastopolya66 - Yard no. 66, Geroi Sevastopolya
Expand 67 - Yard no. 67, Geroi Novorossyska67 - Yard no. 67, Geroi Novorossyska
68 - Yard no. 68, Interoceanic II
Expand 69 - Yard no. 69, Maykop69 - Yard no. 69, Maykop
70 - Yard no. 70, Groznyy
71 - Yard no. 71, Apsheron
72 - Yard no. 72, Makhachkala
Expand 73 - Yard no. 73, Gudermes73 - Yard no. 73, Gudermes
Expand 74 - Yard no. 74, [cancelled]74 - Yard no. 74, [cancelled]
Expand 75 - Yard no. 75, [cancelled]75 - Yard no. 75, [cancelled]
Expand 76 - Yard no. 76, [cancelled]76 - Yard no. 76, [cancelled]
Expand 77 - Yard no. 77, [cancelled]77 - Yard no. 77, [cancelled]
Expand 78 - Yard no. 78, Lagoven Santa Rita78 - Yard no. 78, Lagoven Santa Rita
Expand 79 - Yard no. 79, Lagoven Quiriquire79 - Yard no. 79, Lagoven Quiriquire
Expand 80 - Yard no. 80, Trinculo80 - Yard no. 80, Trinculo
Expand 82 - Yard no. 82, [cancelled]82 - Yard no. 82, [cancelled]
Expand 83 - Yard no. 83, Gandara83 - Yard no. 83, Gandara
Expand 84 - Yard no. 84, [cancelled]84 - Yard no. 84, [cancelled]
Expand 85 - Yard no. 85, [cancelled]85 - Yard no. 85, [cancelled]
Expand 86 - Yard no. 86, [cancelled]86 - Yard no. 86, [cancelled]
Expand 87 - Yard no. 87, [cancelled]87 - Yard no. 87, [cancelled]
Expand 88 - Yard no. 88, Begonia88 - Yard no. 88, Begonia
Expand 89 - Yard no. 89, Desdemona89 - Yard no. 89, Desdemona
Expand 90 - Yard no. 90, Strait of Canso90 - Yard no. 90, Strait of Canso
Expand 91 - Yard no. 91, Hindustan91 - Yard no. 91, Hindustan
Expand 92 - Yard no. 92, [cancelled]92 - Yard no. 92, [cancelled]
Expand 93 - Yard no. 93, [cancelled]93 - Yard no. 93, [cancelled]
Expand 98 - Yard no. 98, Kharg98 - Yard no. 98, Kharg
Expand 99 - Yard no. 99, slave pontoon SD1 for Vickers shipyard, Barrow99 - Yard no. 99, slave pontoon SD1 for Vickers shipyard, Barrow
Expand 101 - Yard no. 101, HMS Exeter101 - Yard no. 101, HMS Exeter
Expand 102 - Yard no. 102, HMS Illustrious102 - Yard no. 102, HMS Illustrious
Expand 103 - Yard no. 103, two pontoons for the Nigerian Port Authorities103 - Yard no. 103, two pontoons for the Nigerian Port Authorities
Expand 104 - Yard no. 104, Crown Prince104 - Yard no. 104, Crown Prince
105 - Yard no. 105, Royal Prince
Expand 106 - Yard no. 106, Pacific Swan106 - Yard no. 106, Pacific Swan
Expand 107 - Yard no. 107, Dunedin107 - Yard no. 107, Dunedin
Expand 110 - Yard no. 110, Pacific Crane110 - Yard no. 110, Pacific Crane
Expand 112 - Yard no. 112, BP Achiever112 - Yard no. 112, BP Achiever
Expand 114 - Yard no. 114, Ingram Osprey114 - Yard no. 114, Ingram Osprey
Expand 115 - Yard no. 115, Mediterranean Shearwater115 - Yard no. 115, Mediterranean Shearwater
Expand 116 - Yard no. 116, Pacific Teal116 - Yard no. 116, Pacific Teal
Expand 120 - Yard no. 120, Orelia120 - Yard no. 120, Orelia
Expand 121 - Yard no. 121, Atlantic Conveyor121 - Yard no. 121, Atlantic Conveyor
Expand 122 - Yard no. 122, Pacific Guardian122 - Yard no. 122, Pacific Guardian
Expand 5 - Ship files: other yards5 - Ship files: other yards
Expand 6 - Contract files: repairs and conversions6 - Contract files: repairs and conversions
Expand 6 - Technical office6 - Technical office
Expand 7 - Admiralty office7 - Admiralty office
Expand 8 - Operations: miscellaneous8 - Operations: miscellaneous
Expand PH - Contract photographsPH - Contract photographs
Expand PL - Ship plansPL - Ship plans
Expand 5 - Public relations and marketing5 - Public relations and marketing
Expand 6 - Community and Social6 - Community and Social
Expand 7 - Personal7 - Personal