
Ref NoDS.SWH/4/5
TitleShip files
DescriptionSeveral originally-distinct series are represented here: these have been amalgamated and listed by ship number for ease of cataloguing and use. The main distinct groups are:

(1) Pre-1903 Wigham Richardson/Neptune yard 1903-c1918
Compiled by J Denham Christie (perhaps started by CJD Christie) as a permanent record of completed contracts. Records of repeat ships for the same owner were often kept together: these are listed under the earliest yard number in the bundle, with cross references from other ships included. Files typically contain plans, specifications, contracts, certificates and correspondence. Records were brought together after each vessel was completed, so plans are likely to be 'as built'. Very few Neptune files survive after 1918.

(2) Pre-1903 CS Swan & Hunter/Wallsend yard 1903-mid 20th century
A single series of Wallsend yard contract files, typically containing specifications, contracts and correspondence. Many also include insurance and finance papers, a small number contain contract plans. The series is continuous across the 1903 merger, but has been divided for convenience of cataloguing.

The ''Wallsend'' series includes the official contract records for Southwick (see below), and some information on Neptune-built ships. Although the two main yards maintained their own contract records, files relating to ship finance (mainly mortgage arrangements) seem to have been kept exclusively at Wallsend, within the main contracts series.

(3) Southwick
Ships built at Southwick were allocated Wallsend numbers, and the formal contract packets seem to have been kept at Wallsend. From the late 1920s onwards, local files (containing correspondence, specifications, contract plans and contracts) were maintained by Mr Ballard, yard manager, at Southwick. These were evidently added to the main Wallsend series at a later date. Similar correspondence files also exist for a few other contracts negotiated by Mr Ballard.

(4) All yards, mid 1950s onwards
From the late 1950s onwards files become more specialised. Several distinct types can be distinguished, probably originating from different departments.

Contract files: correspondence, drafts and signed copies of contracts, financial agreements, etc. Often include handover papers

Financial correspondence: may include approval of foreign purchases, agreed 'extras' etc. Copy contracts retained only where contract file does not survive.

Launch: administrative arrangements, including invitations, menus, guest lists, transport and accommodation arrangements

Note that most plans in these files relate to the ship as envisaged at date of contract or owners' original specification, and may not represent the vessel as completed. Information on post-contract amendments will often be found in the associated correspondence

Later files often refer to labour difficulties, financial constraints, disputes, effect of Government financial policy.
Related MaterialThe earliest part of group 1 consisted almost entirely of very fragile tracing paper plans: these have been removed and conserved, and are listed separately, see DS.SWH/4/PL/1. For a contemporary index to group 1, see DS.SWH/5/4/1/1/1-2
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